Meeting and collaboration with LIPU
In 2019, the LIFE LANNER project secured the patronage of LIPU (BirdLife partner in Italy) because of their common strategic guidelines.
For this reason, LIPU declared its wish to collaborate for the success of our project, especially in promoting the outcomes among its contacts, providing information and opinions, as well as encouraging networking between LIFE LANNER and any relevant project under their management.
LIPU has specifically declared its interest in collaborating in action C7 of the LIFE project. This action sees to the creation of a network among recovery centres to build a database on Falconiformes, and is managed by the project partner Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e Toscana (IZSLT). The action aims to gather information on falcons in wildlife rescue centres, and organizing it into a national database to support conservation decisions.
LIPU offered to make any Lanner specimen in their possession available to IZSLT for genetic characterization, as required by action C6, at the expense of the LIFE project.
On 2 February the two project partners Riserva Lago di Vico and IZSLT met with Laura Silva, project coordinator of the LIPU Nature Conservation Area, officially making this collaboration operational. A synergy has been created both for the recovery of Lanner falcon specimens (e.g. feathers of live animals or tissues from frozen carcasses), and for the building of a database.